Analei Skye


Analei Skye

Analei Skye

Contemporary Romance, New Adult Romance, Romance, Women's Fiction, Literary Fiction, Teen & Young Adult, Poetry

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  • Member Since

    Jun 2019

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    29 November

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"Some hearts aren't meant to be tamed. They're meant to run free until they find someone wild enough to run with them."- anonymous

Hi, I’m Analei

According to my age, I am meant to be a responsible adult, but it isn't going well at all. I would still head off to Jane Austen land tomorrow and I suspect there isn't a secret passage I haven't explored hoping to time warp into another galaxy. I've been known to wake up at 3am to see a meteor shower just because and am notorious for not needing to know the final destination of a road trip. It's about the journey right? I believe a life isn't being lived unless you're making your own rules. No pre-boxed life path for me, please. I prefer bare feet to shoes, wild hair blowing in the wind to tied up neatly, iced coffee to hot, one ride-or-die friend to a million acquaintances, salty to sweet, deep conversation to small talk, the book is always better than the movie and I follow my heart over my head-always.

In all my years on this planet I have two fixed beliefs: Love is the answer to all the worlds problems, and within each human exists infinite potential; I'm attempting to unlock mine. In the game of life, I would put all my belongings to chance and try for a shot at paradise because really what's the point in settling? I'd rather lose it all and have an incredible story to tell than settle for safe- no contest.

I'm an experiential writer. When the muse nudges and a character is born, I follow them down the rabbit hole and experience alongside them-- 'character research' with friends is the best! I don't write the character, they write themselves, I'm simply the pen giving them form.

Writers are my tribe, and the written word is my journey. Sometimes I forget my pen-name and when people call me by it I fail to respond, but can you be a 'real' writer without one? ; )

Welcome to this wildly messy, highly entertaining, painfully awkward, meanderingly focused, surrendered to the infinite thing I call my life.

xoxo Analei Skye

Analei Skye Books

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